
Monday 25 August 2014

ArcheAge Beta Gameplay MMORPG 2014 SpellCaster Mage

Now this is my latest video from ArcheAge - Beta - this is a mage / spellcaster and so far my favorite class!

The spells and effects are great! graphics are alright but still having resolution problems, will tweet the picture to ArcheAge and see what they come back to. 

Now enjoy this video! 

Looking forward to the full game! 

ArcheAge Beta Gameplay MMORPG 2014 2nd Video

ArcheAge Beta Gameplay MMORPG 2014

Quick clip of some Archeage Beta! 

Angry Dad runs over Xbox Games with Lawn Mower

Well Morning all! 

First things first, saw this video and well.....that is one angry dad about the son and the son flips out! 

Lawn Mower Games!

Today will be messing around on the PC and sorting bits and bobs out around the house! 

Will update later! :) 

Sunday 24 August 2014

Sunday Morning - Here's whats going on

Good Morning Sunday! 
A little fuzzy from lasts nights adventures, adventures maybe not being the right word but some fuzz none the less! 

Following on from yesterdays update! 

- Buy a large outdoor planter and put plant two baby fern trees 
- Drink a couple of beers 
- Finish of questing in Desolace
- Play some of the Archeage Beta! 
- Compile details and photos and items to put on eBay

What actually happened - 

- The plant idea, been asked to save that until we havea  garden to actually plant some proper shrubs. 

- Oh i definitely drank some beers! 

- I did finish the quests off in Desolace! now onto the next one for the lore master

- I did play some of the beta, but got into FLex raiding instead so did that! 

- eBay, this can wait till closer to the end of the month! 

Fantasy football update, have bounced up to 19th in the league! still have todays games and points to go! 

Lets see what happens today!! 

Saturday 23 August 2014

First Impressions of ArcheAge

So far ive played about 5 mins of the ArcheAge Beta and so far so good! The actions are smooth and the graphics soft. 

I have one thing which is annoying me, I'm playing the game in "Full Screen" and can only pick from two resolutions and both of them are smaller than my desktop size, which makes the UI feel larger than it should be. 

Here are a couple of screenshots from my first sitting with ArcheAge. 

I'll be carrying on with this game later this evening, might take a couple of videos. 

Bank Holiday To Do List and Update

Its Bank holiday weekend again! I have a couple of things id like to do and a couple of things happening! 

So on my "Would like to do" list....

- Buy a large outdoor planter and put plant two baby fern trees 
- Drink a couple of beers 
- Finish of questing in Desolace
- Play some of the Archeage Beta! 
- Compile details and photos and items to put on eBay

Things Happening 

-Archeage Beta
- Fantasy Football - Made a team, so see how that works out! 

Also want to try and head to Mum's, to pick up a TV! No idea on spec or details but a free TV, cant say no! 

Update later! 

Friday 22 August 2014

Live Webcam at Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano

Now you can follow the events as they happen at Bárðarbunga volcano live. A webcam has been put up looking over the volcano in Vatnajökull glacier.

Click Here to Check it Out

Wonder what will happen....

Thursday 21 August 2014

ArcheAge Closed Beta

Finally got an email today with an invite to the 4th closed beta for ArcheAge! 

The description they give the game is - 

Adventure in an open-ended MMORPG freed from predefined paths and progression. Build massive castles and lay claim to lands whose riches fuel a deep, player-driven economy. Band together to protect your fortune in epic siege battles and naval combat – or live the life of an outlaw, prying glory and coin from foes left in your wake.

Ill get home and download the game ready for the beta on Friday Night! 

Ill blog about the beta soon! 

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Stream from the NowTV Box

This has been puzzling me for a while, as to why you cant stream videos/music from the Now TV box. Last night finally put some time against this problem and it was allot easier than expecting! 

Ive put a quick guide on how it can be done! 

Now Tv Streaming

Pretty simple really! 


Twitting on Twitter

Hey All! 

ModCoreV1 has now joined the Twitter world! 

Its like one line blogging so will give it ago! 

The curry from the other night was amazing, for now this place has taken the lead in Curry Take a ways in Aylesbury! Good Job! 

Happy Tuesday! 

Sunday 17 August 2014

Curry House Change

Tonight we have decided to order from a different curry house than usual. 

Jeera restaurant

Lets see how this goes against the test of curry! 

Will review later! 

Here the order....

This Weekend....

Well a quick run down of the far? Its 4pm on Sunday so see what else happens. 

Its mostly contained a fair amount of wow and music! Some of the tunes this weekend have been awesome! The new Redlight - 9TS song is pretty good "On the ones and twos". 

Wow-wise, couple of snaps from whats going on. 


Also, have started to try and finish The Lore Master! Missions! 

Enjoy your afternoon!

Saturday 16 August 2014

Sinestra Heroic - DragonSlayer

Last night finally finished off Sinestra Heroic! 
Group of 90's and cleared the whole of BoT in about 40mins. 

Here a snap of the beast! 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

More WoD Release images!

Here are some more snaps from the Warlords Release! 

Less than 24hrs the release date will be know! 


Extra note - Currently downloading Unturned on Steam so will report back about that soon! 

Monday 11 August 2014

WoD Cinematic Teaser

Here is a quick cinematic teaser for Warlords of Draenor
Ohhh cant wait! See you here, Thursday for the Live Streaming Updates! 

Click to enlarge! 

Saturday 9 August 2014

New Naruto Game - 16th of September!

Its official! 

A new edition to the Naruto series of games has been released. 

 Live a new experience in the deep & rich Naruto environment. Tons of new techniques, enhanced mechanics, over 100 playable characters & Support Ninjas, and a brand new exclusive character (Mecha-Naruto) designed by Masashi Kishimoto.

Its currently on a Pre Order Special dealing on Steam - 20% off if you pre order so makes it £31.99 right now! 
I've done my Pre-Order have you done yours? 

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Molton Core is Back - WoW Release!

That's right! its been announced today that they will be bringing back Molton Core 40 Man Raid!!! 

Once completing this Raid, you are rewarded with a new mount - Core Hound Mount, by downing Ragnaros! 

This is ALSO WoW's 10yr anniversary anyone who logins during this time will receive the Molten Corgi pet. 

Great News!!! 

Link here - Blizzard

MoDCore Code Site Live

MoDCore Code 
Site Live Today

Today MoDCore Code website has gone live! This will be a place i save bits of Code that I've used and feel i should save these online! 

Check out the site! 


Tuesday 5 August 2014

Warlords Release Date for the Release Date

There has been an announcement from Blizzard in regards to the release date of Warlords of Draenor.........not what you're thinking....they have released the release date for the release date to heighten ones anticipation for the game! 

August 14th 9.30 PDT which works out around 5.30pm UK time so at least we can stream the expo live in the evening. 

So close yet so far to knowing, they are also showing the first episode of a new animated lore miniseries called Lords of War. 

Roll on the 14th 

Saturday 2 August 2014

The Power Social Media

Just want to point out the power of social media!

While watching the Common Wealth Games, seeing Usain Bolt run, after the race Bolt had pictures taken with members of the audience.

So with this decided to check Instagram.for the tags "Bolt" and "CommonWealth" within minuets one of the close up selfie pictures of Bolt is online for me to view, how things of changed to when we used to only see those types of photo's in the newspaper!

Side note, The mens 10m diving, now that's some crazy stuff! Wheres the splash??