
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The 100 - New TV Show - What we think.....

The 100 TV Show…What a let down
Spoilers included……..

Well after seeing a couple of gripping adverts on TV for this new show “The 100”, then a couple of good reports from some work friends, we decided to give the show a go!
As you would expect we started with episode 1 – the Pilot then quickly followed by episode 2.
Now the concept of this show is great, love the idea of it and the background story to why they are in space and why they have sent these 100 criminals (under 18) to earth.

So the first episode is a bit of plot building, background is that 97 years ago there was a nuclear war that destroyed pretty much the entire planet, the last remaining survivors are all on a space station called “The Arc”. They find out that The Arc needs 6 months of oxygen to fix the outside air pumps, but they only have 4 months of oxygen left, so to give them more time they send these 100 under 18 criminals down to earth for them to check if the planet can be lived on once more. Each of the 100 have a wristband on which tells the arc the vitals of each of them, so if they remove the wristband, they are seen as “Dead” due to no signal or pulse can be detected.

So this first half of the episode I can handle, very well done and makes complete sense… soon as they reach the planet, I start to get annoyed with these “Youths”, they are down there for a mission and to help save the entire human race, but no, they rebel within seconds of landing remove the wristbands, this is where it becomes very teen/pop/Small Ville/90210 style TV show and it loses its appeal for me.

They all start beating each other up, picking on the weak of the group and not actually doing much to survive, no real shelter, water supplies or food supply or ideas. It’s also like the kids of peter pan, but at least in peter pan they had a rough idea of what was going on, these guys are just douche-bags.

We then watched the 2nd episode, I’d say around 50% of this one was actually good and the other 50% of the time it was more annoying or stupid. I’m sure if I was 18 and in that situation, things would have been very different! They soon find out they are not alone in this area of the planet and find some weird shaped skulls of what they expect to be a “mutated” human skull.

We will give episode 3 and possibly 4 a watch and see how it goes, but as it stands we won’t be “committed watchers” or even “if it’s on watchers”. 

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