
Tuesday 16 September 2014

Bitcoin, Warcraft and Fantasy Football!

Hey All! 

Well its been a while since the mining build was completed (link HERE if you missed it) , then some months now since its been off. This is due to the mining difficultly as increased so much that the amount the rig would mine in a day outweighs the cost of electric for having it on. With that in mind, there has been more news about BTC becoming more mainstream with PayPal now embracing Bitcoins.

I have been lately playing on the Exchanges with some of the digital currency i have acquired. Will report back about that soon! 

 Warcraft now, last Saturday managed to clear the whole of the Flex raid bringing my item level up to 541 on my Frost Mage, sadly this week i have completed all the raids i can get into with also valor capping. As its Tuesday i will try and get into a Garrosh Normal as a last resort, otherwise will hop onto my Paladin and complete some randoms. 

Now the last part, fantasy football, I think I  have mentioned this before in the blog? If not ( there is one every year at work one free and one £5 entry fee, this year i joined the paid one, knowing a small amount of "football" related news)

So far for "The Excellers" its been a bouce start, 38th > 11th > 28th so fingers crossed we do a little better this week. I have made some changes to the team members and line, fingers crossed. 

I will add one note to this, tonight is an 11million lottery roll over, someone has to win it? so will pop online and grab 2 lucky dips!!! 


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